We've all got ears and mouths right? Whatever needs to be said can be used that way. But really, is that all there is to communication? Of course there isn't. I know communication is such a broad term to deal it so for the sake of simplicity, let's keep it in the realm of photography and also in the arts just to bridge the gap to all the creatives out there.
We all want to say something. The beauty of the human specie is not just the strong intellect and inventive mind, but also the ability to transfer information in a vast number of ways. Any emotion, social statement or idea can be used with the click of a shutter, the stoke of a bush on canvas or a soft squeeze on one's shoulder.
Don't get me wrong, words are a beautiful thing but in reality it's only the tip of the iceberg in essential communication. So what does any of this have to do with taking incredibly amazing photos? It's got EVERYTHING to do with it. Be it an image maker or image taker, how you can connect your ideas to your team or recognize the truth in any given moment is your ultimate tool in communicating as a successful artist.
So How To Speak Beyond Words?