Society is filled with it. Art tries to constantly reinvent its meaning and we all look for it in ourselves and the things around us. What makes us beautiful? As objective as we try to make it, basing beauty on an external measurement is only telling half the story. Once we get into the ideas and opinions of others we start to realize that beauty is more complex than what most tend to think about. The hard fast rules are definitely present when applying a universal idea for everyone but the taste and style of it's definition is where it starts to create an unlimited amount of subjective answers.
“The realization of beauty transforms into attraction”
Every place and culture has their own idea of what's pleasing to the eye. Just venture into any major shopping mall and you'll be flooded with eye candy in every direction. Commercials and advertisements love to give the public the ideals of beauty but the intention is not simply for its sake. Unfortunately the harsh reality is to sell you a product. Be it through the images of happiness, success or love these themes are constantly being portrayed through physically appealing attributes.
But if we start to move away from the definition of mainstream culture we get to see flavors of beauty that spring out into a million other meanings and portrayals. With the ideals and values changing along with them, beauty goes beyond the mundane physical and into the inner realms of personalty and character. For example qualities such as confidence, leadership or a kind heart bring out an inner sense of beauty in a person but if not trained to recognize these inner qualities, it would be difficult to pin point what makes the other come to the conclusion of another being attractive.
Sure plastic surgeons can operate on celebrity faces and appeal to their vanity but in a lot of cases there are also a vast amount of everyday people who need to reshape their faces after an accident. Imagine having your physical attraction taken away from you? How would you carry yourself when walking to the grocery store? Would you be comfortable with people looking twice to get another look at you passing by? As much as we tend to appeal to our ethical and moral selves to be above it all, looks do matter and it creates ideals and judgements in people be it good or bad.
“Beauty is present when we gracefully accept who we are”
There's a great deal of attention that comes with breaking all the "rules" and patterns in beauty. If you could think for a minute and remove all what society has taught you on what is appealing, start fresh and begin to find your own ideals emerge and take fruit. It's quite difficult to live up to standards that are only inherent in certain people. From the events and portraits I've covered over the years it seems clear to me that everyone has beauty in their own way. Not everyone has found it for themselves or others can see it in a person but the fact remains that we all have it. The real task involved is to bring that out. Be it in a physical approach or working from the inside, there's always a way to bring that quality for others to see and shine.
It does take a number of actions in order to get there but inner and outer beauty both have there own specific needs. If ventured and studied enough you might come to know that both help the other in the process but separating the inner from the outer will in most cases lead to delusion. It's important to take care of both primary aspects of beauty's definition. Here's a list of some natural ways you can start the journey.
Outer Beauty Work
Healthy eating and physical activity.
Cold Showers.
Herbal Teas.
Rest and relieving physical tension.
Inner Beauty Work
Self Development.
Education and skills.
Sharing and giving.
Just a short list but if you dive deeper in to these broad subjects, the rabbit hole will bring you into a world you never thought existed.
So with this appetizer of ideas on beauty get yourself familiar with the concepts. Study the models, actors and celebrities. You'll come to realize that beauty goes beyond the body and dives into the realms of inner character and personality. With this understanding gives us all the opportunity to express this beauty from anyone or anything. It's nice to look into the magazines from time to time but as cliche as it might sound to most, your inner sense of beauty is the foundation to how you project yourself in the world. Find and learn how to nurture it in harmony with those around you. We all have it inside of us. All you have to do is seek it and then shape it into the ideal that speaks your truth.
Keep Snappin'!
Chris From MKMI Photography