Being in business day in and day out takes a lot of guts. One person if motivated enough and disciplined right can achieve quite a lot. But eventually if your doing things in a way where your company keeps growing it's inevitable that your going to need another pair of helping hands. As artists I do understand that we want things to stay intact and true to the images we create. But the reality is that we can't do everything ourselves all the time. Adding other people to your team helps you bridge the gap to skills you don't have the time to master.
Fact is business is not all about the product you make. There's also a large part dedicated to customer service, prepping and financial matters to name a few. If you want to survive in this world of business then having others hold the company on its feet is the natural way to sustainability. But it does require you to be more than just an artist. Being able to communicate in teams is the foundation to any harmonious business. A captain is nothing without the essential part of his or her crew.
“Ideas are built through the powers of unity”
Let's face it. As photographers we have no choice but to collaborate with others. If you want to have any business what so ever, you have no choice but to be constantly communicating with other people. Be it the client who reached out to you for a product shoot or the portrait session that's coming up. All businesses are essentially about people. Without it then it would be quite depressing being locked up working away from everybody. Humans need contact with other humans to stay healthy, to stay sane.
When you think about it, every great vision started with one idea and the act of realizing that idea is always carried out with the help of other people. It's physically impossible to run a business like Apple by yourself. To many skills and time is needed. Other people's skills and knowledge help you progress further instead of taking the time to learn EVERYTHING and never really start. There are plenty of people out there ready and hungry to be part of your ideas and vision. Look how great leaders naturally get the attention of followers. As long as your willing to communicate and grow you'll attract those who are willing to help out.
A lot of shoots I've done have been alone. It's a great way to focus one hundred percent on your client and subject. But when I have an assistant to carry on the burden of heavy bags and gear new possibilities spring up. There have been plenty of times where an assistant helped me create an effect or lighting look I would have never thought of or been able to do alone. But it does require better skills in communication. A lot of times your helpers and employees will need guidance so it's your job to be as clear as possible while keeping your emotional IQ present in mind.
"Creation requires recognition of companionship”
As you've probably read in earlier posts communication is more than just the words we speak. Sure the vocabulary we use does have an impact on others but mere words are lifeless without the use of attitude, tone and gestures.
When acquiring a new team member it's important to initially start off clearing out the ground work. Communicating what your business values and in turn getting to know the values of the others who want to join. Think of ways to create mutual exchange between each other. That way it keeps things motivating on both ends. Finding common ground in the beginning helps in launching a successful relationship that will carry out the vision of the business.
But by no means does it ever stop. It will also be important to periodically chime in and refuel the passion of your team members. The world is in constant motion and so are the people in it. Values and ideas change all the time so it's necessary to always be in communication with the morale or your team. Not everyone will be the perfect fit for you business. Even the ideal ones you would love to have them be a part of. Compatibility needs to be established and maintained in order for things to move on smoothly. That's why the first meet is so important. Getting things clear and out in the open leaves out any chance of false assumptions which are always going to come up.
So figure what you need and who you think will be a good fit. We all want to get to that next level but know that it will require all your skills to make it real. Be open, express your values, communicate your vision to others and the ones that are meant to stay will hold up the business with you.
Being a leader does take work and we do eat last but the fulfillment we gain from the long hours is priceless. Making a difference in life is always better with a couple of companions.
Keep Snappin'!
Chris From MKMI Photo