Staying true to our own ideals and values sets the tone for products and art that can be truly unique and inspiring for those around them. If you love doing the work yourself and getting your hands dirty than continue to do so. Having a small team for support helps you to be current and motivated to serve while staying in business.
There will always be some weighting of the scales when dealing with money. No matter how good your work becomes the trading plane becomes equal once something is perceived as the same value. If your okay with that then have your space to create and increase that perceived value in many ways. Be it the quality, the marketing and your personality. As you continue to travel the path and start to realize that you would like others doing what you do at the same level than you'll be ready to start trusting others in growing the vision. That's the beginning of creating a large enterprise.
Hitting That Sweet Spot!
Once you've found your stride and know your outcomes than you be able to free up all the mental workings of your brand and take action. If your going to niche into something make sure you've testing all other possibilities. Weddings for example are a great way to sustain a healthy business while keeping it simple and boutique. The potential is also there to grow larger if you want as well. Other niches such as fashion or fine art do require you to stay at longer than most but every branch of photography has it's possibilities in business.