The internet is a wonderful thing. Having access to this current standard of communication gives us a fresh perspective to creating your brand identity. Social media has broken down the barriers to an audience never tapped into before. As we've seen with many companies and icons the amount of branding involved has now gone up to another level and the rules to the game have changed.
Along with it more and more people are looking to companies with people who can be real and relatable. Not some logo attached to a building claiming to be personal. Since the barrier of entry is virtually free, social media can be started and implemented by any start up business. But what makes it work? How do these small brands become social media giants?
“The power of your story breathes through your passion.”
Most people starting off with social media as a marketing tool don't really know how to begin. Our first instincts is to copy those around us with the usual selfie after the event or generic photo that feels impersonal. Before jumping in head first into a particular platform you need to look inside yourself and dig out what your looking to share with the rest of the world. The time you take to dive deep into a strategy will propel you in a clearer direction.
When it comes to my work I know it covers a wide gamut of subjects and niches. But taking the time to observe what ties it all together was the people in my work. That's what I put forth in my art today. Showing the best in everyday people be it through a wedding, a fashion model or a worker on the street. The main goal for my work is show the best in them and that's what motivates me to move forward with my work. So naturally I want to share that passion with the rest of the world. Coming from a genuine place makes it all the more easier.
“To know the soul of the work is to connect the world to the soul”
People love to see beautiful imagery. But what gives your art another dimension is showing the man or woman behind such work day in and day out. That's the sole purpose for writing these articles. I want my clients to know about me just as I'm curious to know them. Many photographers like to hide behind the camera and not be noticed but the truth is no one will ever warm up to you if you don't give them the chance to enter your world as well. Be an open book. Share you ideas, likes and opinions. Document your process and research. You'll be surprised at how many different kinds of people will listen.
The point is not to sell, sell, sell but to create brand awareness and even more importantly than that, to make real connections with people. That way the sense of a personal touch will warm up to your ideal clients. Of course not all will like you but why would you want them to anyway? Best to be around people who enjoy your authentic self. So dare to show your face once in awhile. People will love to see both perspectives from the front and back of the camera.
But Do Keep It Consistent...
A lot of times I see an influx of posting from the same artist when they release their new album or fashion company with their new collection only to be off the radar weeks later. Posting on a regular basis takes work. If your planning to stay current for the long hull then it's best you develop some content beforehand just to give you some lead time to generate more in between the dry periods. Being organized and disciplined is a must when working with social media.
Always remember that your not in it to make a sale right away. Your in it to develop an identity for your brand. Once that's established then naturally the community you build through your content and gather loyal ambassadors looking for ways to help you beyond simply buying your service or product.
So don't fall into temptation by going off the grid for a couple of months only to magically appear expecting to think that same people following you were waiting all this time. The world is at an increasingly fast pace and with all the distractions out there. It's very easy to be forgotten.
Think of content you can share beyond the work you produce for clients. Come up with motivational quotes. Behind the scenes images. Blogs and videos on your favorite topics. The list can be endless if you want it to be. But make sure you follow through on it. Having amazing work just won't cut it today.
Create a consistent brand image in all you posts you make to tie all your work together. Just as you develop your style in your photography think of how you can do the same thing with your social media. Coming up with that slight edge will make a world of a difference to the other typical photographer.
So start by finding out what you love and find a way to share it! A lot of planning is involved for being consistent but when you stick to it and adjust along the way, you'll eventually find your social media voice. Attracting those who in tuned with your energy and style will come naturally over time. Just make sure your out there and sharing on a regular basis for them to eventually find you! Everyone has something important to share worth noticing.
Keep Snappin'!
Chris From MKMI Photo